Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Paige!!!

Our beautiful daughter turned the big 2 years old on February 13th, 2009. Her big day started by going to school and having a fun Brithday/Valentines Day party with all her friends in her class. Paige brought in birthday cupcakes and made sure to wear her "I'm 2" birthday ribbon all day so everyone knew she was the Birthday Girl!! Following her big day at school we had a Birthday celebration at our house with Grandpa and Uncle Tommy, which included an Elmo cake(which she picked out all by herself)and tons of presents. Grandma sent her everything you could ever need to play dress up! Brittany and Paige have already played dress up/tea party several times!! And Uncle Tommy gave her the cool chair pictured above. It was so much fun watching her open all her gifts, she has so much personality and was really enjoying herself! I can not believe our little girl is two is unbelieveable how fast they grow up!!

1 comment:

Mom/Grandma said...

Thanks for sharing birthday pictures. I look forward to checking in often. Mom/Grandma

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